วันศุกร์ที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554
วันพุธที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Dogs Cats Pictures - Animals Blessed at Mount Elgin church service
From dogs and cats, horses, brought the members of the Mount Elgin United Church, their pets or pictures of them, rst-of-the-animals service for the Church's blessing Sunday, October 2nd.
About 30 people gathered in a garage in the yard Fewster Dawn on Mt. Elgin Street was for worship, which is part of a series of services on creation.
"Today is a kind of finishing the series with the blessing of the animals," said the Rev. Lynne Allin, the minister at Mount Elgin United Church.
While Sunday was the first time the Mount Elgin community held a Blessing of the Animals, is an annual event for some. To recognize the service of the Catholic tradition, St. Francis in Assisi, the patron saint of animals, 4 Founded in October, said Allin.
"There are many references in the Bible about animals and how to love God and to reveal to what an important part of our lives," he said. "It is a way to identify what is important for members of the community."
Allin Sunday during the service was a blessing of the animals and then usually individual blessings for the people who carried out their pets, or images made of them.
"Makes (make) as a rural community, it makes sense, because the animals are really a part of our lives," said Allin.
Marg Green took eight-year-old black cat, Hunter, to be blessed for the first time during the Sunday service. He said he decided to bring to Hunter, because he had never heard of the blessing of the animals, but liked the idea.
Vicky - a 26-year-old horse owned paintings by Carol Carter - was also blessed with the animals.
Carter took away the horse farm Fewster for the service from his home almost 2.5 km.
"I've never had a chance to have (his blessing) before," said Carter
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